
Enjoy an authentic Romanian experience in Vişeu de Sus

Upper Vişeu is the place where tradition, culture and nature combine into an authentic Romanian experience, worth facing again and again. Read the following article and discover this lovely part of Romania, why it is so special and what you can do and see there.

Where to find it:

Located at the meeting point between Vişeu Valley and Vaser Valley, in the Maramureş region, in the north-west part of Romania is where we find the lovely city of Vişeu de Sus, as it is known in the Romanian language. This is the place where culture meets nature and together they form a gorgeous environment not only for the eyes but also for the mind.

Vaser Valley, Maramures, Romania
Eco Romania Vaser Valley, Maramures, Romania

How did it all began:

The first documented mentioning of this village appears in a paper from the 1900s “Diplome maramureşene din sec. XIV-XV” (14th and 15th-century Degrees from Maramureş), but under a completely different name. The first mentioning of the name of Vişeu de Sus appears in the year 1385 on a degree mentioned by Mihaly of Apsa and, according to “Istoria Maramureşului” (History of Maramureş) by Alexandru Filipascu, Upper Vişeu was also named “Between Rivers” (Intre Rauri) in 1594.

After the arrival of the Saxon miners and the colonists from Zips during the 1770s, the city of Vişeu de Sus had a massive economic explosion. This explosion brought with it more and more colonists which came from Salzburg, Tirol, Salzkommengut, and Gurunden. This lead to the consolidation of the ethnic diversity of the city, peaking at a population with 18 different ethnic backgrounds. This diversity has lead to a rich history, beautiful culture, and many stories that are just a delight to listen to.

What’s there to see around here:

The area surrounding Vişeu de Sus can be a real talkative area. If you listen to it you can find out stories about its past, about its present, about its culture, about its nature and more importantly about its people. Its the people who have taken this area to an entirely different level. They have given it voice to speak their stories, taken care of its beauty to attract tourists and built its reputation through the fun activities that it has to offer.

The area of Maramureş is on its own unique and different from the rest of the country, not to mention this specific city and its surroundings. From the gorgeous architecture to its unique mountains and valleys, and its beautiful people and culture, everything in the Upper Vişeu and its surroundings scream of pure Romanian culture and beauty. Some of the most popular and visited spots are the Maramureş Mountains National Park, the Vaser Valley Mocaniţa, the Vaser Valley itself and the “Pop Simion” House, which today hosts the Upper Vişeu City Hall and the Upper Vişeu Local Council.

What to do around here:

Even though we encourage you to explore as much of the area as possible and discover its people, stories and culture, we understand if you would like something a little more exciting and we deliver. Around the city of Upper Vişeu you can practice several sports such as motocross, cycling, mountain biking, rafting and even ATV rides. Most of them or all for that matter will offer you unique and new points of view over this lovely region and you will get to have some of the greatest experiences of your life.

Special bonus feature:

As a special bonus for those who have made it through the article, we will share a little secret with you. We will tell you about the most interesting and valued attraction of this area which is Mocaniţa. What is Mocaniţa? One of the most interesting and important cultural points of not only this region but of the entire country. Mocaniţa is the last steam train route in the world. Built initially to transport raw materials such as wood, today this route is used both for wood and for tourists who would like to enjoy this ride and observe the wonderful sights of this route. This is a not to be missed point for those who come all this way to see what Maramureş and Vişeu de Sus has to offer.