
Angie Away – How to travel alone without being lonely

Angie Orth is the girl with a million-dollar smile that you might run into no matter if you’re from Italy, Laos, Morocco, Bolivia or the USA. In 2010, she was brave enough to leave her job in travel PR and start traveling around the world on her own. Angie Away is one of the most appreciated travel blogs at this moment. Thousands of people follow Angie and read her stories even on Facebook . In these past few years, she has managed to do things some people only dream about, from running with bulls in Pamplona to swimming with sharks. Check out this week’s interview with Angie!


Where to stay on Easter Island: accommodation suited for any type of budget

The remote island in the south-western Pacific Ocean could be a perfect destination whether you’re interested in visiting archaeological sites and learn about the history of the place and it’s approximately 900 famous moai statues, or just plan on enjoying a few days of tranquility.


Hostel Costel – How to Make It as the Owners of the First Hostel in Timisoara

Three friends, Vlad, Radu and Alex, had an idea that made them pioneers in the city they live. They were the first to open a hostel in Timisoara, a city with great potential that would make every traveler fall in love with it. They combined their traveling experiences with their buisness knowledge and opened a joyfull place where even luxury travelers have a good time. The guys shared with us the story behind the scene of Hostel Costel and talked about the challenges of dealing with people around the world and the advantages of being hostel owners.


Crazy, sexy, fun traveling with Alexandra Kovacova

Alexandra Kovacova is a busy bee when it comes to blogging about her travels. Sexy and addicted to having fun all over the world, Saška, as her friends call her, has lived in six different countries by now and visited a lot more. So, she made it her job to go around the world and write about it. This young Slovak has some good stories and tips to share with others and she does that on her three, travel, blogs, and of course on her Facebook page.