1. You’ve been a “digital nomad” for two years now and from what you’ve posted on your web page you have no intention of returning home soon. What are the challenges you faced while traveling around the world?
I’m actually back at home in Florida for the time being, traveling part time and focusing on writing and my PR & digital media consulting business. One of the biggest challenges in traveling full time is finding time to strike a balance between the joy of traveling and all the work that goes along with being a blogger!

2. Your professional background could make anybody jealous. Still, you left your great job in NYC behind and chose to travel and write. How did you change since you began traveling?
I’ve changed in so many ways! I’m much more flexible now, I don’t worry about having a set itinerary before arriving in a new destination and I have a very hard time planning anything more than a few days in advance.
No journey is perfect while you’re in the midst of it. Delays and general travel annoyances make that a certainty. It’s really only after I return home and reflect on the pictures that I see my experiences in a wholly positive, hazy light. That’s one of the reasons I keep a journal as I go – I like to remember the details as they really were, not just as my mind paints them after the fact.
4. You are a solo traveler. What are your recommendations on how to travel alone without being lonely?
One of the biggest surprises for me as a solo traveler was finding that I was almost never alone. No matter where you go, there are other travelers to meet, and I always found myself tagging along with others for a day or two everywhere I went. Now I have friends all over the world and I count them as my best souvenirs from 2 years of full time travel.
5. What’s your favorite story to tell others about the places’ you’ve seen so far?
Oh, I have so many. A big hit is my Kenya plane crash story!
6. When in a new place what do you like doing? Are you interested in the history and architecture of the place, do you prefer having a nice local meal with new friends or just hunting for adventures and thrilling experiences?
I try not to pigeonhole myself when it comes to traveling. I’ll try just about anything provided it makes for a good story!
7. What are the craziest activities you’ve tried while traveling and where did you try them?
I don’t know how crazy my activities were in New Zealand, but I think I did the most concentrated number of adventurous activities during my three weeks there.
8. On your website you have a section dedicated to packing. What are the things you never leave without on a journey?
My camera, my iPhone and my baby blanket (handmade by my great grandmother).
9. Which five places (hotels, hostels, country houses, camping sites) you’ve spent the night in would you recommend to other travelers and why?
Great question! I’ve stayed in some of the most magnificent hotels in the world, but truly it’s the spots that kept me closest to the great outdoors that were most memorable. Here are some of my favorites:
Felucca on the Nile River, Egypt
Tent on Hot Water Beach, New Zealand
Captain’s Camp, Wadi Rum, Jordan
Kichwa Tembo camp, Masai Mara, Kenya
A hammock on any beach in The Bahamas!
10. What’s your plan for 2013? Is there something on your bucket list you want to do this year?
I’m doing my best to control my wanderlust this year, but I’ve got a few destinations on my mind. Ireland, Scotland, Peru and Canada are all top pics, and I’d never say no to an opportunity to return to Africa.