
Crazy, sexy, fun traveling with Alexandra Kovacova

Alexandra Kovacova is a busy bee when it comes to blogging about her travels. Sexy and addicted to having fun all over the world, Saška, as her friends call her, has lived in six different countries by now and visited a lot more. So, she made it her job to go around the world and write about it. This young Slovak has some good stories and tips to share with others and she does that on her three, travel, blogs, and of course on her Facebook page.

1.      Up until 2011 you had a job most people dream of. You got to see the world as a stewardess. What made you quit and start travel blogging?

Well, I’ve always been a rebel and I don’t like when other people plan for me, I don’t like to have a boss but prefer to be in control of my time myself. Now I can plan where to go and what to do.

2.      You chose an interesting name for your blog. Why

Thanks! Everyone asks that. The truth is people who know me the best would describe me using these words, hence the interesting name.

Mile | Just another WordPress site

3.      For 2013 you’ve planned “The Adventure and spa project”. Tell us more about this. What destinations are on your list and why?

I keep updating the destinations with time on my Adventure and spa project page. There’s too many places I would love to visit for the project and I am really looking forward to visit at least some, depending on the free time. Both adventure and spa activities are the best ones for me, so I decided to put them into a project and then write an e-book about it. Extreme sports, wildlife encounters, hiking, massages, swimming, yoga and much more is awaiting me this year.

 4.      You’re an adrenaline addict. What are your three most exciting adventures and where would you recommend people to try them?

I just love everything that has to do with flying so definitely skydiving, paragliding and helicopter rides. There are too many beautiful destinations for these three sports but I would recommend some less known, such as Gran Canaria, central Slovakia, East Canada, Utah, St. Kitts, just to name a few.

5.      Travel blogging has become your job now. You manage to visit the world on your earnings from your posts. How hard was it to get here and what tips would you give others who try to do that?

When others go partying and spend money on alcohol, I am online writing posts, replying to emails and spend money on trips. But it is super hard, you need a lot of time almost every day, spend months doing things you have no idea about but you have to find something that works. There are thousands of easier ways of earning money but travel blogging is something you do for yourself, you are your own boss so if you love traveling, photography, videos or writing (preferably all), then it’s a dream job. I explained some details in an old post – hard life of travel bloggers.

6.      You usually travel on a budget. Please share with our readers some unique tips on saving money while traveling?

I am not a real budget traveler, but I would say I don’t spend on things that are not necessary for me. Like I said, I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke, I don’t like shopping unless I really need something new because material things are not important for me anymore. Another thing I do is I keep a certain amount of money on my bank account and treat them as if they were not there. I just pretend I don’t see them there and never use them.

– Playa del Carmen in Mexico – beaches, healthy restaurants, nice people, great atmosphere.

– El Nido in the Philippines – amazing beaches and islands around.

– Ushuaia in Argentina – penguins, sea lions, sea, mountains, beautiful trees and glaciers.

–  San Pedro de Atacama in Chile – the nature there is simply breath-taking! I have never seen such a unique landscape like the one in Atacama desert.

– Tupiza in Bolivia – colourful mountains and horse-riding.

8.       Hitchhiking is something most women travelers avoid but you were bold enough to try it. What are the ups and downs of this experience?

Uf, I have some cool stories when hitchhiking but nothing bad ever happened. I wanted to go hitchhiking to Spain but ended up in Italy instead. I hitchhiked around Slovakia and also in Argentina to get to Perito Moreno glacier, or in Malaysia to Cameron Highlands.

The ups of hitchhiking, definitely saving up money and maybe running into an interesting person, but the downs are that you need patience, you can waste time waiting or even something really bad could happen.

9.      What’s one thing you’ve experienced during your travels and never thought of doing before?

Touching a snake and putting it around my neck (did in Langkawi in Malaysia) or even anaconda hunting (in pampas in Bolivia but thankfully never found one!)

10.  From what one can see on your blogs, you’re a big fan of your home country and Eastern Europe. Why should more tourists visit this part of the world and what do you think would surprise them in a good way?

Yes, I am a fan. I just don’t like the fact tourists don’t go there that much. It’s a completely different architecture and beautiful untouched nature if you need some peace and quiet. And that’s also what would surprise the tourists – we do have television, fridge, public transport, WiFi and even amazing mountains, lakes and rivers people just don’t know about.

11.  And now, a question you often ask people in your interviews. How did travel change you?

It has changed me completely. I used to be an introvert, now I am more of an extrovert. I smile more. I got more patience. I can rely on myself 100%. And if I am nervous, I travel more so travel makes me calmer too. I also learned to let details make me happy and realize I don’t need many material things to have a great life.